Monday 22 July 2013


For so long I have looked at older people around me and thought they don't deal with not knowing what to do or say because they always seem so calm, so organized. As if they have everything balance and have no questions or doubts. Trust God. Yes, I have heard that before. Recently, I started to apply it. Or at least attempting to. It's amazing how much I know that I am lost in this world ,but as I look to Jesus and obey him, I know he is leading me and I just have to follow. I have no idea why God asks me to do certain things ,but in his time I will know and I will either be happy I followed or wished I had. This life is not about knowing the answer to all of my questions ,but living for someone who died for me. I find calmness and hope in knowing that I'm not in charge, and if I fall, He is there. I'm not alone, I may be lost sometimes ,but I have the best GPS.

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